Kristy McNichol en ik

I'm sorry, but since 19 March 2005 the Kristy McNichol en ik guestbook
is closed. The direct reason for this is the amount of spam entered. I
have tried to stop that spam with technical adjustments, but it hasn't
worked out. Just letting it go on is no option for me. This web site is
and will be free of any commercial messages.
On the positive side: the guestbook has been a success with almost
1200 messages. I hope you have fun with the archived messages.
From: Dave D. []
Date: Sat Mar 19 00:15:01 2005
Kristy is still #1 with me. I hope everything is well for her. Namaste'
Date: Wed Mar 16 03:55:39 2005
From: Mrs. Dawn Manley []
Date: Tue Mar 15 04:36:42 2005
I am wondering if they will put the series Family on DVD or VHS?
If there is a chance that I can find the album that Kristy did with
her brother. The Title of the album being Kristy and Jimmy McNichol.
From: What's in a name? []
Date: Sat Mar 12 05:37:48 2005
I'm a wee bit in bits at the moment! But it's always a pleasure to come
here. Kris... if only you knew! Hehe...
Hi John! Hi Jon(II)! Hi Serge! Hi Klaus! Hi Rolf! Hi Brian! Hi Rich!
Hi Kim! Hi Ho Silver... Away! :-)
Kristy will always be an Angel to me... Her fans will always be her
Guardian Angels.
Whatever you do Kris... Keep on smilin'
Love you to bits!
From: Bruce Hall []
Date: Fri Mar 11 16:34:00 2005
Flipping pictures is an old political trick. If you are doing a negative
"hit" piece on someone, get a photography and flip it - putting
their right on the left. It helps to create a feeling that is odd. It adds
to the feeling that there is something not right about your "opponent",
the target of the hit piece. I don't know if that is what was intended
by those who flipped the photographs mentioned or if the flipping was unintentional,
but it is unfortunate.
I read on the Internet Movie Database,, that her mother was
Palestinian, not Lebanese. Not sure which is correct. Her father was Scottish,
according to them.
From: Brian []
Date: Fri Mar 11 05:50:32 2005
I love you I'm sorry please believe me and forgive me
Do you have ring around the collar? Did you try Whisking them out?
See you in the sunshine kid! ;~)
From: marilyn negron []
Date: Fri Mar 11 00:24:53 2005
kristy hi how are you? if you ever need to talk to me. you can send me
a email ok at take care and may god bless you. and
my brother thinks your very pretty his name is felix garcia oh by the way
are you married cause hes not.
From: Reiner Lücke []
Date: Thu Mar 10 18:01:15 2005
Liebe Kristy, leider ist mein Englisch nicht gut, trotzdem möchte
ich Ihnen alles Gute wünschen. Ich finde Sie sehr sympatisch und wurde
durch Ihren Film ,,Ein Klassemädchen'' aufmerksam. Aus Ihrer Biographie
konnte ich entnehmen, dass Sie keine leichte Kindheit hatten. Oft helfen
einem solche Situationen später vielleicht einmal. Ich kann manches
verstehen, da es mir in einiger Hinsicht einwenig ähnlich ging. Wenn
es Sie interessiert, können Sie vielleicht einmal meine Homepage besuchen.
Homepage: Viele liebe Grüße Reiner
From: []
Date: Tue Mar 8 17:10:46 2005
You are the bomb after all these years. Best wishes to you and take the
best of care.
From: Roo []
Date: Sat Mar 5 17:44:04 2005
Hi Kristy, I don't know if you read these or not but if you do I hope you
are well and will someday be able to get back to doing what you do so well.
Sorry for any heartache that the spotlight may have caused you. I can't
imagine that being famous is very easy....Take Care and be well. roo
From: amy hubbard []
Date: Wed Mar 2 19:39:40 2005
the book is geat to read
From: Dave D. []
Date: Sun Feb 20 18:58:03 2005
I live on the east coast and saw on the weather channel that L.A. was seriously
flooded with rain and hail. I pray that you and yours will be kept safe.
From: James B. N. []
Date: Sun Feb 20 14:34:09 2005
Today shall be a great day !!! Do you think? you beta ! Enjoy this and
every day to it's fullest.
Highest respects Jimbo
From: Cartwheels []
Date: Fri Feb 18 21:03:50 2005
Sure do wish you would make an appearance again. I saw little darlings
12 times...I was born in '61 and that makes us very close in age.
addition to having a huge crush on you during my coming out age, I saw
your movie in the drive-in so I could join you every time you lit up a
smoke. I'm sorry to say that I'm no longer available (HAHa), but it still
would be so cool to meet you. Are you an Ellen Degenres fan? I am a huge
one, so wouldn't it be awesome for the three of us to have lunch someday?
Okay, so I have impossible dreams...but it sure is nice to dream.
From: []
Date: Fri Feb 18 10:18:28 2005
great site! I've loved Kristy since my high school days.
From: duane []
Date: Thu Feb 17 22:39:17 2005
Hi Kristy- just wanted to pass my love on to you. I have been a life long
fan. I am 43 now (we share the same birthday, 9/11, although it's not worth
much anymore. It's too difficult to 'celebrate' when you realize what a
catastrophe occured on your special day.)You always fill my heart with
a special feeling when I see pics of you, older or newer. I hope that this
finds you well, healthy and happy. You deserve that and more. I love you.
From: James B. N. []
Date: Thu Feb 17 09:38:38 2005
Hey there have a good day !!!!!! Jimbo
From: RONNIE []
Date: Thu Feb 17 05:36:11 2005
From: Brian []
Date: Mon Feb 14 19:37:43 2005
As I write this letter
Send my love to you
Remember that I'll always
Be in love with you
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Mon Feb 14 14:39:16 2005
Happy Valentine's Day may everybody's love for you bring you great happiness,and
joy to you and yours. Keep the smile it looks good on you!!!!!!!
From: Dave D. []
Date: Sun Feb 13 19:19:45 2005
When I signed the guestbook, I forgot to wish you a Happy and Joyous Valentines
Day. Again, NAMASTE'
From: Dave D. []
Date: Sun Feb 13 19:11:54 2005
I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and prayed for
you in church today. I have been a "fan" since I was about 11
or 12 years old and am going to be 40 this year. I guess I always will
be a Kristy "fan". One day I will get to the west coast to watch
the sun set over the ocean instead of rising from it here on the east coast
north of Boston. It would be nice to share in it with you, and if you can't
then just know that I wish you well. NAMASTE'
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Sun Feb 13 12:46:50 2005
Good day Kristy, hope things are just grand for you and yours. Today little
C.B. Iowa is going to reach almost 50 just like spring I think I'll even
wash the car. It needs a good scrubbing to get that salt off it. Yeh they
salt are streets when it snows and if you don't keep it off your cars then
it will rust them in a heart beat. Well we won't have to worry about that
much longer. You should vist are town sometime you would not be board.
For a small town or was before the 3 casino's hit town. Besides them there
putting inside water parks, Bass Pro shop, and already many other sites
that are designed for nature lovers. The Lewis & Clark trail is right
here in the heartland. They have built a trail to ride on or walk that
starts in town and goes for days it is truly nature and GOD for the whole
trip. They also have built the Mid-America Center so the big stars will
come and play. I believe Cher is coming there soon. We have lots of good
places to eat also. If this is at all tempting don't hesitate just take
a well deserved vaction to Iowa. Your tour guide Jimbo!
From: troy henderson []
Date: Sun Feb 13 03:37:06 2005
was always a huge fan of yours. i am thankful i was able to locate you
on the net to see how you are. thanks for always being beautiful......troy
henderson email ......
From: Rhonda []
Date: Sun Feb 13 02:52:21 2005
Hey Kristy, hope things are going well for you! Rhonda
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Thu Feb 10 11:58:51 2005
Hello there Kirsty, just thought I would say hi and wish you the very best.
Hope everything is going great for you and yours. Glad to see the web back
in tact, it is nice to be able to write to you. I don't know about you
but I'am ready for spring these Iowa winters are cold. But I do enjoy the
change of seasons. I think everybody just gets in a better mood when spring
hits. I enjoy yard work and this year I have done some planting last fall
so this year should be not only breath taking but less weeds and of course
a little less work. Which I don't mind it is my way of working of stress
and recieving great rewards for doing so. Well I'll be 40 on the 28th of
this month and I can say it has been a great 40 years and look forward
to another 40. Yet if I would die tommorow I would die a happy man. Well
lets pray for a quick winter and a early spring, so the people around us
can learn happiness. Have a good one. Highest respects James B. N.
From: Brian []
Date: Thu Jan 20 04:35:34 2005
Kristy Christy Christine Christina
It's taken some time to remember and cope with the knowledge that I
had ever even met you
I feel like Clu in the recognizer. ..You know the one with the broken
I love you Christina
From: James B. []
Date: Tue Jan 18 16:54:11 2005
Since I've seen your E True Hollywood I've been impressed! That was the
best thing you could have done the whole world now knows the one true Christy!
Not very often do you see a hollwood star make the choices you have. But
they have been great ones. The choice to help your fellow man and the self
rewards it will bring, are hard for the normal person to understand. That
high that you get seeing your own good go to work in someone else, and
you can only hope that they may pass it on and then it becomes wide spread.
I know because of being from both sides of the fence, I've had it all and
lost it all several times the people you step on at the time are meerly
stepping stones. But like it should be if you have such talent to rise
above others and abuse it, it then is taken from you. Now I've learned
that the best thing you can possibly have you are born with. And all other
material things just pass through your life. If you manage to cling to
a few and use the gifts wisely as in sharing or giving then they may be
something you deserve. There is but one way to live without stress, there
is only one day a week to worry about if you choose to, and that day is
today. Yesterday is gone, even though we might like to change a few things
that happen we can not. So why stress it. Tommorow has not yet arrived
and again even if we could see into tommorow and knew what was going to
happen we can not change it. So if we live for today then we live life
in a much better place. Me I have learned to live by the minute, knowing
GOD has my path covered, I don't stress a thing. If I know something has
to be done then I do it, if I know a day ahead of time and it feels right
then I consider that an act of GOD. But most of the time I get to live
stress free, because at the most I take one day at a time. I get a wonderful
charge out of helping others. And know not think that in many ways I have
been blessed with a talent and the desire to help others who are less hopeful,and
who can not sit, walk, speak, or hear. Or maybe the have just messed up
so bad that they have no food or a place to sleep. Which I have all those
things so I feel that if I can not directly help them then I do my best
to point them in the right direction. I can only share what I have, and
the one of those gifts I have is the talent to talk to people to say what
they want or need to hear. Where does these words come from and how do
I know what to say and when to say it. My Higher Power helps me sometimes
I say to myself what did I just say and where did it come from because
you see the effect it had on the person right then. I know where it came
from and only wish I could give that gift to some. Well I've got to go
have things to do people to see, but again you are very impressive and
keep up the good work we will win on of these day's. I belive we have won
and we get to keep on winning is'nt great. My highest respects J.B. NICHOLS
From: Brian []
Date: Fri Jan 14 01:28:07 2005
I love you
I told my parents when I first began to talk that where I come from
nothing rusts. The earliest dream I have remembered all my life is that
I came from inside the sun and came to this planet, and after that dream
I used to try to catch the light that moved across the wall from automobiles
that passed by and I truly believed the light could take me back where
I was.
Now I know that is really true about myself since remembering September
That was the day I discovered the process that enables changing anything
in the past without disrupting the timeline, the ability to bring extraterrestrials
and humans back from the past and alive in the present
I did not ever teach you anything except that I was in love with you
daydream baby
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Thu Jan 13 08:26:07 2005
Just thought I say hi.
From: Michele []
Date: Tue Jan 11 04:29:36 2005
I keep watching The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia (fav movie) and
keep wondering where I can get a couple of things; one the soundtrack to
the movie and two a autographed pic of you for my son, Kevin (he's 15).
Just let me know either way. Thanks for all that you have done and I hope
you are getting your rest these days. My address is 17446 N. 16th Lane
Phoenix, Az 85023 May GOD be with you and your family. God bless you With
Love and Respect, Michele (email
From: Brian []
Date: Sat Jan 8 02:58:39 2005
I love you and miss you very much. Everyday you are remembered and heard
in my memories, and a few of those memories haven't happened yet.
I believe I owe you a George Michael cd, and you owe me a pair of crappy
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Fri Jan 7 15:52:04 2005
Sorry thought if you did want to chat sometime you could reach me here
at my mom's computer. I did not leave the info on the letter below. I would
like to know how things are going for you and if your as happy as you deserve
to be. The great things you have done for others and the happiness you
bring them should reflect in you. I sure hope it does and that you are
very happy. Thank you James Bernard Nichols son of Bernard Nichols.
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Fri Jan 7 15:37:17 2005
If you do get to little Council Bluffs, Iowa you can look me up under my
father's name. He has pasted away, GOD be with us all. I thought I would
tell a little about myself. I'am 39 years old, I have a small business
of my own, which I'am tired of and not making enough money to live well
and make sure my mother can live well too. She is going to 65 in March
and I'am trying to talk her into retiring. I've got her house all paid
off and remodled inside and out. Now besides me being 39 and 40 at the
end of Feb.28th I'am 5'-6" tall brown hair a little gray, 140lbs.
Blue eye's and some what of a moma's boy she is my life line. I've got
ten months left on my refresher course so I can go to school for my 4 year
course of being a drug & alcohol consulor. Because I can help a lot
of my friends and other people. And I'am good with other people they seem
to want to listen to me, why I don't know. Unless it would be the fact
that I do believe in the Divine Spirit and I do let Him guide me. But I
should go to church on Sunday's also. And one day I will. The last time
I was married was when I was 25 and it only lasted for 11 months and 3
weeks. But I never have known a better woman for me so I have not married
again or had any children of my own. I have a step daughter and son and
grandson. I hope this is not to much information for you I just feel this
way if you do by chance read this and decide to visit our little town then
maybe we could have lunch. Our town is on the edge of Iowa going into Nebraska,
now if thats not enough to get you to visit then Council Bluffs has 3 casnio's
to offer and really a lot more if you know where to look. I have been born
and raised here so I do know where to look for fun. I don't drink or use
drugs but that would not stop us from having fun. So if your just setting
around sometime thinking you have nothing to do and are board then just
give me a call or stop by and see this town and me.
From: Ronda Kay Cornwell *SMILE* []
Date: Fri Jan 7 12:05:37 2005
Hello Kristy, I'm Truly Surprised Know Had Wrote, Anything About Your Letter,
On This Guestbook...On Sunday-August 8, 2004...I Was Happy And Touched,
To Know You, Do Read Thees... I Would Love, To Have A Autographed Picture?
Too All Your Fans, On This Website (Guestbook)...Please, Help Me Out With
Copies Of Anything, You Have On Kristy, Photos, Movies, Music, Ect...As
I Stated In My First Signing,On Sunday-Dec 19, 2004... I Lost Everything,
In A Fire...I'd Be More Then Happy, To Pay You, For The Copies And The
Postage...Please, Find It, In Your HEART To Help Me Out...Most Sincerely, I Don't Have A Printer...Address-414 East Oak Street
Monticello, Iowa 52310 U.S.A. Keep On Doing, What Your Doing And Be-HAPPY...
Date: Wed Jan 5 01:51:10 2005
From: James B. Nichols []
Date: Mon Jan 3 21:05:58 2005
I've always found you talented, and very sexy if you ever get to little
Council Bluffs, Iowa be sure to look me up I would love to have the privledge
to take you out. Signed James B. Nichols son of Bernard Nichols
From: Brian John Mayer []
Date: Mon Jan 3 05:51:31 2005
I wish that whomever is spamming this guestbook would please kindly stop.
your messages are a waste of time and nuisance to the site.
This guestbook is meant for people who are her fans that wish to write
their fond respects and admirations lovingly in her honor in the hopes
that she may read them.
Please be more considerate.
From: Jason Breakey []
Date: Sat Jan 1 11:52:55 2005
Your site is great. I loved the christian related sites,like dating,graphics.
Here is my website: We provide dating services
for Indian Professionals with photos and videos of singles in India, USA
and around the globe. Do visit my site! Jason Breakey".
Date: Wed Dec 29 09:28:41 2004
From: peach []
Date: Sun Dec 26 14:50:52 2004
she is still the best
From: Brian John Mayer []
Date: Sat Dec 25 20:46:48 2004
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Peace and Love, Brian
From: Dave []
Date: Mon Dec 20 00:36:07 2004
IN the words of the late great Karen Carpenter, " only wish on
this Christmas Eve, is I wish I was Christmasing with you." Peace,
Love and Happiness to you always; This holiday season and ever. May your
winds be warm May your days be bright Your oceans calm and your evenings
light Namaste' Kristy
From: patricia mull []
Date: Sun Dec 19 16:57:29 2004
From: Ronda Kay Cornwell []
Date: Sun Dec 19 05:06:24 2004
HELLO, Kristy, I Wish You, The Happiest Of Holidays, And Endless, Love,
And Good Health, In 2005 And Beyond... Miss Seeing You, On Tv And In The
Movies, But I Also, Understand You, Deserve A Normal *Life* Too. I Don't
Know If You'll Ever See My Message, But I Would Very Much, Love A Autographed
Picture Of You. And If You, Could Write, Something On It? Just Know I Will
Cherish It-Always... Here's My Address Email-BJMonticello@AOL.Com. My Mailing
Address-Ms. Ronda Kay Cornwell 414 East Oak Street Monticello, Iowa 52310-1710
Phone # 1-319-465-3048 Birthday-Feb 25, 1964
And This Is A Message, Too Any Fan, Who Signs, This Guestbook, Would,
Any Of You, Out There, Share With Me. Copies Of Pictures, Ect.? Please...
I Lost Everything Thing, In A Fire...
Thanks, And God Bless, And Rock on For Kristy...SMILE...
I Want To Thank, The One Who Put, This Guestbook, Together. The Fans,
And Most Of All, Kristy McNichol, For Sharing Her Life With Us...
Happy Holidays Too One And All, And I Look Forward To Hearing From,
Each And Everyone, Of You.
Untell, We Meet Threw The Mail... I Don't Have A Printer, With My Computer,
It Was A Hand Me Down. I'm Really Greatful, For It!
From: Dave []
Date: Tue Dec 14 23:41:21 2004
Hey Kristy,it took a long time but I finally got an autographed picture
of you. I think I was around 11 when I first saw you on t.v.and knew who
you were. That was @ 1976, and it took that long to get an autographed
picture. It is an old one from 1978 or so from "Like mom like me"
movie. It is in great shape and came with a certificate of authenticity,
even has an ABC Television card on the back. I hope to find a newer one
some day, but at the rate I am going that is not looking to good, and I
do not want to wait some 28 years. I doubt she will read this so if anyone
can help me out, sign the guest book with info. Namste
From: []
Date: Sun Dec 12 09:15:50 2004
Great site but where is she NOW !!!! Kristy was one of, if not the first
real crush I ever had on a girl. What boy growing up in the 70's -early
80's didn't love her. I mean she was really good looking and always played
the tom boy that you could be freinds with. Best wishes Kristy !!
From: Dave []
Date: Sat Dec 11 00:18:48 2004
Today at work the subject came up of who was better, Kristy or valerie
bertinelli, I enthusiastically cast my vote for KRISTY. We then pondered
on what she is doing and when will she be back on our screens. I did sway
the other vote, but we want to see her back on television or a movie or
something. Somebody has got to know how to contact her and help us out.
From: []
Date: Fri Dec 10 06:29:08 2004
I wish that I could spend some normal quality time with you as a friend.
I'm really sorry honey please believe me.
Hey sis, what do you think is going to happen to me..? I protected extraterrestrials,
planets and all human existence, was brought to the main supercomputer
and became friends with him and helped figure out a solution and thought
up the living hybrids that brought me there who called me 'The Creator'
and that I was on an 'epic mission'.
That's why my visions of the future must be real, and I really want
to tell you to help you. I need your help
your greatest fan ever, Brian
From: Angie []
Date: Sun Nov 28 19:36:00 2004
Hi Kristy, I grew up with you on T.V.,I couldn't wait to watch you every
week. I hope you're doing well. I miss your smile.
An Old Friend
From: Guestbook owner []
Date: Wed Nov 24 15:02:14 2004
Guestbook spammers are trying to mess with this guestbook, but I will take
any measure necessary to prevent that.
OK, back to Kristy.
From: carol mcdougald cmcdougal@ []
Date: Sun Nov 21 09:39:23 2004
hi krisy I have grew up watchib you , and think you are the best actress
I've ever seen, hope you are doing well in your life, and have found your
true dreams. it would be great to see you in another film some day. have
a great day , your friend carol mc
From: Vlad []
Date: Wed Nov 17 09:46:37 2004
Nice site. Look's very good.
From: Diane Favata
Date: Wed Nov 10 04:24:51 2004
I grew up watching the series Family and really identified with Buddy.
I always felt Kristy was a superb actress and am so sorry that we don't
see her in films and televison any longer. I hope that she has found peace
and happiness. Just know that you HAVE made a difference in this life.
God be with you.
From: Lightfeather
Date: Mon Nov 8 09:26:44 2004
I hate to say this, but I have had a crush on you since you were on Empty
nest. Not to say I didn't think you were cute when I was younger as well.
I was just wondering where I could find a recent photo of you. I'm getting
older now and I want to keep my fantasy alive, and I have to say I'm not
attracted to little girls and thats all the photos that I can find on here.
From: jack howard j []
Date: Mon Nov 1 10:08:18 2004
just wnted to say i think your great! where about the same age and wathed
you in all you done!like to see you come out some more, but in your position
i think you can do what ever you like.... hope to here back from you! :O)
From: diane []
Date: Sat Oct 30 15:17:55 2004
I have been watching The Pirate Movie all week. It so enjoyable. Seeing
it was made in my city (Melbourne, Australia). Kristy and myself are the
same age. So many peoplew I have talked to also have told me that they
loved the money too. Kristy I hoped you your stay here and please come
back. We all miss you. Where is the best place to write to here? Love from
an Aussie (Australian fan) Diane Howitt
From: Brian []
Date: Thu Oct 28 01:21:04 2004
Once upon a time ago, in days of our youth and innocence..
Wait up. let me try that again.
Goo-goo ga-ga, ga-ga goo..
Hey baby, I love you
*This message was brought to you by the maker of 'Air Guitar' 8~)
From: S Tercero []
Date: Thu Oct 21 19:07:17 2004
Hey Kristie, Since I haven't written to you in ages I thought I'd tell
you too. I just got a free autographed picture of Davy Jones, the Monkees
tv series in the mail a couple of hours ago. Ta da. The family lawyer is
doing a few thousand things for me. Now if we could just get them to quit
ripping off the government letters. Man since they switched over the Postal
service they gone sour. Richard and I are actually engaged too. You know
long courtship, short engagement. Going to visit dad this weekend again.
He's really lonely yet since mom died in May. So the three of us kids here
in the Metro area are trying to bug him alot. Dad and I had such fun the
last time I went. Have fun people.
From: Bob James
Date: Wed Oct 20 18:54:41 2004
Oops, that may not have come out like I meant. I meant to add and Kristy
was the most beautiful girl displayed.
Thanks for creating and maintaing this site featuring Kristy. I will have
to see about getting Pinballs on DVD. I was in love with Kristy before
Pinballs as we are almost the same age. When I was in the Marine Corps
in 79-80, while everyone else had pictures of playboy type models, I had
Kristy's picture proudly displayed.
From: Bob James
Date: Wed Oct 20 18:46:23 2004
Thanks for creating and maintaing this site featuring Kristy. I will have
to see about getting Pinballs on DVD. I was in love with Kristy before
Pinballs as we are almost the same age. When I was in the Marine Corps
in 79-80, while everyone else had pictures of playboy type models, I had
Kristy's picture proudly displayed.
From: Rachel Morales
Date: Sun Oct 17 04:25:06 2004
Loved you in "The Pirate Movie". Just going down memory lane
and thought about this movie. Thanks for the memory!!!!
From: Luke []
Date: Fri Oct 15 17:45:00 2004
Nice site, could you email me with any updates? Thanks :)
From: Brian
Date: Thu Oct 14 23:34:59 2004
I have a memory I would like to share with you:
I am walking up an alley with a man to a back of a building where there
are these guys whom I introduce Mr. Andrews to, who's music he had once
heard quite some time in the past. Also I am showing him a penthouse office/apartment
building overlooking the New York harbor.
Thomas Andrews and I share the same birthday, Feb. 7th
I also have another memory of being at a dance with you, and a young
Don Adams (Agent 86) and Barbara Feldon (99) and the music that is playing
is Toto's '99'
I really wish I could see you and talk friendly with you.
Your retardo brother loves you kid
From: Ken
Date: Thu Oct 14 19:30:47 2004
Kristy your a doll always most probably dont realize but i remeber when
you did a twinkie commercial thats when i began to have a crush on you....
From: Tony Abbattista e-mail []
Date: Wed Oct 13 20:11:02 2004
Hi Kristy I have not seen you for 25 years remember me your friend and
Fashion Designer in which we lived in Tarzana Calf. when you had me Design
your Emmy Award Sorry for not calling but I quess Joey never told you I
went thru alot in my life also hope you understand please contact me at
home at201=4404070 I would love to see you again at my expense and would
pay for your flight to intoduce my line of leather coats and jackets in
honor of you with your name on the label and much more such as movies to
come I always love you and carried you in my heart but now I can give you
something back for starting me in the showbiz say hello to your family
and my friend Joey Hugs and Kisses always I miss you and will explain why
it took me so long when I see you its personal hardship when my daughters
were kiddnaped from me everythings ok wish always the best I LOVE YOU (ABBA)TONY
From: James Parsons
Date: Mon Oct 11 05:38:51 2004
Hi I know you here this alot,but my husband has the biggest crush on you.
When I met him 10 years ago.We used to talk about you alot, and my crush
of course. He has always loved you,I think his dream of all dreams is to
be able to meet you or just even write you.Is there anyway please e-mail
me at Thanks terrie
From: Amanda WERTHEBEST8
Date: Fri Oct 8 01:26:46 2004
Hey,writing this in hopes u might read it,long time fan of yours iam 29
born in 75 i grew up watching your movies!miss you on tv hope one day u
come back but if not thats ok to we all have to live life the way we see
best,found out i might not have long to go writing friends and letting
them know how much i care and i seen your web site and well i wanted to
say thanks for making my life great with all your movies u put out thanks
From: Danny Haszard
Date: Wed Oct 6 21:45:23 2004
Signing this guestbook dates me,I had a crush on Kristy growing up too...Cheers,Danny
Haszard Bangor Maine USA
From: Dave []
Date: Sat Oct 2 20:02:36 2004
Where can someone send a letter to Kristy?
From: James []
Date: Wed Sep 29 15:42:10 2004
We'd love to see you married..............San Diego
From: marlies []
Date: Sun Sep 26 07:28:28 2004
hey girl,How is life treating you? I hope all is well.I think about you
often,and wonder how you are. I just hope someday we can be friends.I have
always been a fan of yours, maybe we could be pen pals, I promise I am
not a nut job or anything,Just a fan who would rather be your friend.Call
me any time 254-547-1938, girl I have always felt connected to you.we should
be friends,I hope you write........marlies 407-b northern dove lane copperas
cove ,texas 76522
From: Brian John Mayer
Date: Sun Sep 19 16:15:46 2004
Dear Christina,
Please believe me when I tell you I love you
God, I guess there should be ELO 'Eldorado' playing as the background
music for what I am about to say
When I was in juvey prison as a ward of the state one early afternoon
something awesome happened that got me to start behaving and being an intelligent
and reasonable adult.
I was in C-Hall in IYC Valley View during a lunch break from school,
and was standing in front of a rec-room window and the mid-day sun was
beaming in, and I heard a man's voice talking to me and with me in my mind
He said I was going to marry you!
He also said I would be the greatest hero this world has ever known
as my vision was directed at the central air unit just outside that sparkled
with movement as I heard a high-pitched computer sound.
Then as I was walking back to school, a saw a vision of Underdog standing
on top of a large block or square pedestal sparkling just as the air conditioner
had before.
I know the greater story now. This one is just a briefcase.
Some people should start thinking like responsible adults because they
will soon be held accountable for their actions.
From: []
Date: Sun Sep 19 09:55:32 2004
Hi Kristy, Just wanted to say hello. I want to thank you for making my
teenage years bearable. You and i are t he same age. I have been reflecting
on my life lately, and I was thinking about the show Family. I really miss
that show. Anyway, belated happy birthday and thank you for making a hard
time in my life bearable.
From: []
Date: Sat Sep 18 23:09:45 2004
If Kristy reads this I would like to say that you have put in more than
your time to so called "down to earth fans". You started working
when you were what, about six years old and stopped in the early to mid
nineties? Thats a good twenty years in a cold and seemingly heartless business,
probably like putting in 40 at an every day 9-5 job. I'm surprised you
have'nt been in and out of rehabs for drugs like way to many others. You
did good, even with your affliction of manic depression. You have never
had what the rest of us have taken for granted; a normal, average American
upbringing. Your's was a lot more work and far from the average and I am
surprised that you are not scizophrenic. But remember one thing, the work
you did THEN allows the time for rest NOW. Of course I will miss your "screen
persona", after all, this is a "fan" site but you have to
do what you have to do. Maybe you could go on the H.S.N, or Q.V.C. and
sell a Kristy line of jewelry or something for your "down to earth
fans". Me; I have never met YOU, but would like to some day. I grew
up with you on my television and loved every minute of it. If I ever decide
to visit LA. I will look you up, we'll do lunch and I am buying!
Namaste om = Dave
From: Deborah Stevenson
Date: Fri Sep 17 03:24:07 2004
From: Felicia Marsh
Date: Sun Sep 12 20:45:37 2004
I know your birthday is really September 11th, I just forgot to send
this to you yesterday. I hope all is well with you.
A loyal fan,
Felica Rene'
From: Felicia Marsh
Date: Sun Sep 12 20:40:51 2004
Happy Birthday Kris! Just wanted to send this message out to a wonderful
actress and person. You are dearly missed and loved by all of your fans.
May you blessed and fulfilled in the upcoming year.
Blessings and strength, Felicia Rene' Marsh
From: Heather Page
Date: Sun Sep 12 20:04:48 2004
Just watched The Pirate Movie last night on Direct TV... It was my favorite
movie for quite some time when I was a kid. Anyway, I laughed and smiled
through the entire movie, and watching it as a 31 year old woman was still
as enjoyable as it was years ago. Thanks for the memories, Kristy.
From: WANDA []
Date: Sun Sep 12 05:40:08 2004
From: Brian
Date: Sat Sep 11 22:50:10 2004
Happy Birthday kid
I wish you true happiness forever and ever
Peace & Love,
From: Carl martin
Date: Sat Sep 11 22:39:15 2004
Dear Miss McNichol.Greetings to you from a Norwegian greenhouse. Thanks
for wonderful movies. I miss you and just want to say Happy birthday, and
wish you al the best .Lots of love ,Carl Martin .
From: Brian
Date: Fri Sep 10 05:03:29 2004
I'm truly very sorry. Please forgive me for loving and worrying. I tried
hiding you in my mind
You know I love you 99
From: cecile estrada []
Date: Fri Sep 10 02:06:05 2004
Kristy is missed by so many of us. As a young girl I had a crush on her
and to this day i still do! What a wonderful and talented woman. Thanks
Kristy for giving so very much of yourself to us! I miss your presence
in hollywood but definately understand that peace of mind comes first and
From: Brian
Date: Mon Sep 6 05:14:50 2004
I love you, and think about you everyday.
I see you in the future at different ages
The future memories are just as real
Miracles can happen, and you know it
From: elena deluca
Date: Tue Aug 31 04:25:40 2004
i hope kristy is doing well. have not heard anything about her in awhile.
perhaps she will read this. if she does, i hope she knows she is cared
From: Andrea []
Date: Mon Aug 30 21:59:30 2004
One day while watching "family" my grandmother said, "I
know why you blast home everyday to watch this show." "You do?"
I gulped. She said, "Yeah, you like that boy, don't you?" I think
she might have been referring to buddy's brother? Anyway, I was like, "Oh,
yeah...yeah, for sure." In my head I was thinking: But the girl is
way cuter.
From: Dawn
Date: Sat Aug 28 18:40:31 2004
I was just reading what great things the fans were writing about Kristy,
because I am also a huge fan, and I noticed that Kristy took the time to
read the guestbook and then signed it herself. So Kristy, if your out there
and reading are the coolest!!!!!!!!! I totally miss seeing you
on t.v. or the movies, but respect your reasons for leaving. I hope you
are doing well and living life to the fullest. Take forever,
From: clayton stadler
Date: Thu Aug 26 21:52:47 2004
dear kristy mcnichol i hope to be able to meet you in person some day,because
i've seen you're tv shows so many times.if possible could you send me a
color picture singed by you to clayton stadler,35 fruit street,northampton,mass.01060
aptc41.thank you very much.
From: Dee
Date: Sat Aug 21 21:09:48 2004
kristy, hi I'm a good fan of yours, I've been watching your movies since
forever, I love you in "Little Darlings" w/ Matt Dillon.... was
he a jerk to you? lol.... You're so beautiful, I'm addicted... please write
back soon.
From: Marjolein
Date: Thu Aug 19 22:28:10 2004
OH, and uhh, whenever you are in Holland, Amsterdam, Rotterdam or where
here, let me know, I have a long time a very great wish. ............ YEP,
to see you. Make a picture from you with my twin and with me. O Kristy,
i miss you on tv, sometimes i look video´s or DVD, Two moon junction
or a film, and i´m so in love with you. XXXXXXXXX Please, Whenever
you are in the Netherlands, let me know???? LUV YOU, xxxxx
From: Marjolein
Date: Thu Aug 19 22:22:01 2004
I KNOW, I must dream on, but ..........., when I think of you, I have a
warm feeling in me. How are you now, are you well, happy, in love? do you
make films? I wanna see you so much, but, i don´t so a little of
you, last years. KRISTY, I LOVE YOU, always. XXX My twin, boy and girl,
from 7 years, this womanlover Marjolein. A woman-womanlover.
From: Tom []
Date: Wed Aug 18 22:50:53 2004
I miss you, Kristy
From: lilbandit
Date: Wed Aug 11 21:51:44 2004
Hi I am a huge fan from Aurora Colorado. I love all things about Ms. Mcnichol
and her brother James. Also curious about little bro Tommy. I wish her
the best in the future with her health spirit and life. I hope she has
found happiness after her trying experiences and will continue to venture
forward in all her endeavors and come out strong as I know she will. She
is greatly missed and loved and I am just a meer mortal who has loved watching
her grow up. I hope she reads this one day and appreciates her fans like
I know she does. If anyone has real stories on her, personal stories, like
u actually met her, please write me at I would love
to hear from u. Thanks for reading this..Lisa Bandt
From: Christina McNichol []
Date: Sun Aug 8 02:50:05 2004
I have just spent the past three hours reading all the messages and kind
words. Thank you, each and every one of you for your love and support.
Words cannot express how grateful I am. Love and Peace to each of you........
From: elena []
Date: Sat Aug 7 02:22:48 2004
hi does anybody have the 1978 goin coconuts premiere party that kristy
was at with donny osmond? write
From: amanda []
Date: Mon Aug 2 20:38:58 2004
The thought of you maybe even reading this email is great in its self,i
hope that you are doing well, and iam a big fan.Iam 29 and i grew up with
your movies in my family,you are loved ,cin,oh,
From: amanda shafer []
Date: Mon Aug 2 05:27:57 2004
i also want to say is you ever read this know that your fans are still
here for you and i feel like your a family member me and my sister grew
up watching all your movies iam 29,i watch any of your movies that come
on, your are one of a kind,made your mark in life and make a lot of people
happy with the things you put out for us always your fan, amanda ,
From: amanda shafer []
Date: Mon Aug 2 05:16:09 2004
i have ben a fan for years i love her movies i think she shouldcome ack
her fans miss her,we love you kristy! from cincinnati oh,
From: marlies
Date: Sat Jul 31 07:58:40 2004
Hello my name is marlies and I have always loved kristy since my first
time seeing and hearing her on the show family,and I loved" only when
I laugh "I also own two copies of" Just the way you are"
If there is a chance you are reading this kristy, I am a 39 year old woman
, I work as a teachers aide for 12 years I work with emotionally disturbed
youths raging from 6-8 grade,I love my job but it is very hard sometimes.
lets be friends marlies a wintersdorf 407-b northern dove lane copperas
cove texas 76522 254-547-1938 home 254-371-1038 cell (the real kristy only}
From: Dawn Manley
Date: Fri Jul 30 03:07:21 2004
Hello Kristy, I have two questions. The first one is I was wondering if
I could buy your Kristy and Jummy McNickol album anywhere.
The second question is I was wondering if the tv station will run Family
again in re runs. Sincerely, Dawn
From: Simon
Date: Tue Jul 27 14:57:40 2004
I saw you in a movie just recently and wished i could of met you back then,
though i was never born! Your probably the best actress i've ever seen,
i only wish i could of had the privelage of growing up watching you on
tv. I hope that your happy now and will be forever. And hey, i'm also a
Virgo, arn't we the best? hehe.
From: always been a fan []
Date: Sun Jul 18 05:46:43 2004
Can you blame me?
I kind of feel like a wiieeerdo responding to this site but it almost
seems worth it. It would be worth it if the message got to Kristy
are hanging some of us out to dry. I mean...seriously. You were my one
and only idol and crush. I miss you!! I realize that you have had an unfortunate
battle with ??? many things, I know....sorry about that, but know what??
after all this time (oh, 15+ years or so) I get a notion to go looking
for you now and then. Unfortunately, all I have are web pages to remember
how cute and tallented you are. Get back to work!!! for crying out loud!!...we
love you!
Hhmmmm...I have an idea! Hows about a guest spot on Showtime's "The
L Word"? Now that would take guts...and satisfy my aingst........
From: lisa bandt
Date: Fri Jul 16 06:21:23 2004
Man I just read my entry from 2002..what a goober I was. Well now it is
summer 2004 and I have a new address and
also have a new # 720-535-4209 or 303-670-7116. I live in Aurora, Colorado
and am housesitting in Evergreen for the next 4 months so use the 303 number
or email me please. I wish E! would put your story back on..I missed it
in 2002. I still have your record u made and the album from the PIRATE
would replay your tv specials...I don't care if u r gay or bi or whatever...u
still rock in my book! I hope u read this and respond cause that would
be totally awesome and make me love u even more. You have been such an
inspiration to so many people and I would like to reciprocate that treatment
with genuine,sincere integrity and much love back to u. I am always going
to remember my childhood with much happiness since u were such a inspiration
to me growing up. If u ever decide to come to Denver and visit please call
and I will be glad to give u a breath taking view of the great Colorado
Mtns! I am serious and not a stalker so don't worry....anyway hope to hear
from u b4 I die! Love from Colorado Lisa Bandt
From: John none []
Date: Wed Jul 7 09:21:32 2004
Just sharing.
Web master, please download image and ad to your site if possible. For
all of Kristy's fans.
From: rob jantzen []
Date: Tue Jul 6 00:10:48 2004
hey kid rember lissa my moms friend you do love ya
From: Kevin Lotsberg
Date: Sat Jul 3 23:16:22 2004
Hello! Thank you for the wonderful Kristy fanpage -- it's very well done.
I especially appreciated the information on "The Pinballs." I
recently bought a copy of this on 16mm film. I became worried when the
advertised length of this movie differed from the "30-minute"
marking on the side of the film reel. Now I know that I'm not missing the
second reel or something! So I'm not worried -- just disappointed that
I don't have the unedited version.
Best of luck. Now I'm going back to see the rest of your website...!
From: jose luis aguirre []
Date: Fri Jun 25 16:40:55 2004
Kristy: Sos divina y maravillosa. Me caes superbien desde que te vi en
"Family" y te extraño mucho porque en mi pais, Argentina,
ya no se pasan peliculas o series donde participas. Me entere de casualidad
de vos porque estaba enla pagina y senti una alegria tan grande
a volver a verte en una imagen de una promo de ABC de 1978 cuando eran
The One, que desde entonces me puse en campaña para ponerme en contacto
con vos. Antes te admiraba como actriz. Ahora realmente te quiero como
persona y me gustaria contactarme con vos. Mi e-mail es
Everybody loves Kristy!!!!!!!!!! For ever.
From: jose luis aguirre []
Date: Fri Jun 25 16:38:39 2004
Kristy: Sos divina y maravillosa. Me caes superbien desde que te vi en
"Family" y te extraño mucho porque en mi pais, Argentina,
ya no se pasan peliculas o series donde participas. Me entere de casualidad
de vos porque estaba enla pagina y senti una alegria tan grande
a volver a verte en una imagen de una promo de ABC que desde entonces me
puse en campaña para ponerme en contacto con vos. Antes te admiraba
como actriz. Ahora realmente te quiero como persona y me gustaria contactarme
con vos. Mi e-mail es Everybody loves Kristy!!!!!!!!!!
For ever.
From: Jerri Ann Head
Date: Mon Jun 21 20:02:40 2004
Just wanted to say Hi. I saw your story on E! today and it brought back
so many childhood memories. I miss seeing you on t.v., but the media in
general can be a nightmare. I was in the radio business for 13 years and
know how the media treats "stars". Thanks for bringing me great
pleasure in the past. Empty Nest was one of my all time favorite shows
and I enjoy seeing reruns when available.
Sincerely, Jerri Ann Head Nashville, TN
From: jose luis
Date: Sat Jun 19 19:58:30 2004
I love you. I miss you. From Argentina 4ever. Jose Luis Aguirre.
From: al hayes
Date: Tue Jun 15 16:53:48 2004
kristy i hope if you ever get to slc ut you stop in and say hi
From: Kristy
Date: Mon Jun 14 21:08:55 2004
From: Uwe Behrendt
Date: Tue Jun 8 12:14:12 2004
Hi, I`m a very old (not my age!) and big Fan of Kristy. Ì will get
an autograph of Kristy. How can I get it? And how about news of what she´s
doing now, if she`s married or a single? I can`t believe that she will
answer personaly(I beg your pardon for my bad english!)Butmaybe she can!
Thank you for your Help! Yours sincerly Uwe Behrendt P.S. My address: Uwe
Behrendt Thorwaldsenstr. 5 12157 Berlin Germany
From: lisa bandt
Date: Tue May 25 00:12:53 2004
Hi..a long time ago I won a contest to win a phone call from u and your
brother..I missed that call and my mother never told me til a month or
two later. I must have written a 16 page front and back letter to beg for
a phone call to win..I was living in Mt.Prospect, Ill. at the time. I am
now 38 and living in Aurora, Colorado. I would like to know what your personal
life has been since your tv days..still doing hair? I am still hoping to
see u on a movie or tv show someday..if not I guess I will remember u and
your brother off your only record and some old mags and books about u.
I bought your record and really liked it...yeah it seems kind of cheesy
now but hey u were young and I and a thousand others liked your variety
shows and music..etc. Well if u r ever in Colorado look me up and I can
take u around the mtns and whatever sights u wanna u like 4 wheeling
and camping...I do. I am in the phone book under Lisa Bandt Aurora Colorado
so if u wanna FREAK me out and leave a message with a way to contact u
I will......I promise I am not a STALKER just a LIFETIME fan who misses
seeing your talent on the tube....You and Valerie rocked my world back
in the 70's and 80's now it's Cameron D. Sandra B. and Julia R. and Demi..nice
chatting...Lisa B from Colorado
From: Mike in New Awlins..
Date: Mon May 24 22:36:56 2004! I am 40 now and now and then i wonder if i will ever finally
get the chance to meet you! Without a doubt you have always been the best!
Come down for Mardi Gras!!!
From: kurt roberts []
Date: Mon May 10 01:26:26 2004
hi from of the best old kristy i`v fancied her for years...does
she drink from the other tap???cheers!!!
From: Angie
Date: Wed May 5 11:55:30 2004
I have wanted the soundtrack to The night the lights went out in Georgia.
Do you have ANY idea where I can find it? My email is
From: kimberly
Date: Mon May 3 19:59:58 2004
hey kristy my name is kimberly i have been an ongoing fan of yours since
i was 12 yrs old i am the same age as you i was born feb 27 1963. i would
like to get a hold of you to talk to you about your panic attacks that
you were going through at one time simce i went through the same experience.
today i believe i went through those attacks because my body was changing
and it also threw myself into making some changes in my life, which i did
make those changes since now i am living in colorado by myself. i am originally
from lompoc california, born there but left when i was 4 yrs old, then
we moved to florida, i lived there for 33yrs. when i went through my anxiety
attacks it scared me so bad that i decided to move to colorado with my
brother and sister but my life took a huge turn my brother whom was not
very close with me [his decition] he had taken a wrong turn in his life
[drugs], he died about 2yrs ago, my sister is living with a guy who is
really turning her life totally around, and me well im doing a little better
than that, right now i am going through spiritual growth, anyway i would
love to talk with you if you could contact me i think we would have a lot
to share i know you are a virgo and i love virgos, they seem to have their
heads on straight and are very intelligent in their own way. please e-mail
me. thanks kimberly.
From: Klaus Mielke []
Date: Sat May 1 14:36:18 2004
It's always a pleasure to stop here.
Klaus Mielke
From: Meg C. []
Date: Mon Apr 19 05:44:49 2004
This book was so good i loved it I read it 4 times already !!!
From: []
Date: Thu Apr 8 11:08:38 2004
great site
From: []
Date: Tue Apr 6 11:16:16 2004
great site
From: Erik
Date: Sat Apr 3 17:10:29 2004
Hi, very good homepage about Kristy Mcnichol. Also born in the sixties,
I grown up with a lot of tv and movie things in which Kristy was acting.
And surely like all boys in that time I was in love with her. It is nice
to see, that there are other people like you, who are fans of her. What
is she doing nowadays? Are there new movies coming? Is there a chance to
meet her in LA
Best regards
From: Michael Rickerhauser
Date: Sat Mar 27 13:48:00 2004
Well i just read a little bit about you , i didnt know you had those problems,
i have a friend thats going through the same thing,but she is'nt taking
anything for it, anyway, i would love it if i couold just hear your voice
one time on the phone, if you ever get to read this, and i hope you do,
my # is (727) 845 -9836 i live in on the west coast of Florida, hope to
hear from you soon, ok , take care Kristy, and always keep smiling, your
8is the best!!!xoxoxo
From: Michael Rickerhauser
Date: Sat Mar 27 13:24:20 2004
Hi there Kristy, I,ve loved every movie you were ever in, especially (Little
Darlings) and i also loved u in (When the lights went out in Georgia, I
just want to say thanks for everything, and hope you are ok, Mike xoxoxoxo
From: poot mcguinty ...
Date: Wed Mar 24 05:37:04 2004
Just excellent!
I saw the movie "The nights the lights went down in Georgia"
this night, and it piqued my curiosity about what had happened to my favorite
TV start of the late 70"s.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
From: Terry Robert Fleming
Date: Wed Mar 24 04:26:44 2004
I don't e-mail or write stars ever. But for you I make an exception.
I know ONLY partially about having to live a life in the spotlight when
JUST sometimes you would like to be normal away from that. I am glad I
failed scting school in Hollywood. I have in my own right in parts of Canada
been a DJ star and entertainer myself. It's been a pain in the butt some
years. I lived in Pasadena three times with my family. Although Canadian
I consider myself part Amercian going to elementary up to high scool there.
You have always been one of my top favourite actresses. I pray for you
and for your condition which I hope is better. If you ever want to e-mail
and just talk down to earth one on one e-mail me. I know you probably won't
or you will never ever even see this e-mail. But know one thing ok, God
loves you and is on your side. Also this, remember the thousands of fans
and ordinary people wh love you.
From: Dena Peace
& forgiveness. []
Date: Tue Mar 23 08:39:05 2004
I enjoyed your acting abilities, and I pray that you're well, as life deals
us ups and downs.Life is like a wave, in an ocean, we're tossed and thrown,
and yet we stay above the water. We see ourselves, floating, we shall always
survive, with love.Peace & forgivenes, throughout, the world ,and that
gives ,us peace.
From: Jessy yahoo []
Date: Thu Mar 4 08:43:33 2004
Hey Kristy I miss seeing your movies on tv i've been waiting for ages for
Little Darlings to be on Encore again. I just want to say that you are
the most beautiful woman in the world and I would die to meet you except
I live in Australia. I love you as Angel in Little Darlings she is my favourite
my hair is now cut the way hers was. I try to find pics of you but I can
only find them on the net and my parents are sick of me printing pictures
of you i now have 30 i think well i would love it if you could wright back
to me at I love you heaps Kristy say hi to Jimmy
for me love from a real true and honest Kristy Mcnichol fan. Luv ya, Jessy
From: Judy
Date: Sat Feb 28 17:36:22 2004
Kristy: I just saw your movie little Darlings last night for the first
time in years. I am 32, you were my sisters age and I remember her wanting
to be just like you. I really loved that movie and watching it last night
really brought bak memories. I hope your doing well. I wish you the best
of luck. Judy from Michigan
Entries 926 - 1050 in the
Entries 801 - 925 in the guestbook
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